Something/Someone/Somewhere Southern, wool weft, cotton warp, found objects, December-May 2023.
For several months I kept track in the notes app of my phone every time I left home and every time I returned. In doing so, I was able to know exactly what hours of each day I spent away from home and what hours I spent at home. In this tapestry, each row (or weft pass), represents a single 24 hour day. The blue yarn (made locally) reresents time spent at home, while the green yarn (made in Scotland) is away from home. The dark colored vertical lines on the top and bottom of the tapestry demarcate each hour of the day, starting at 12AM and ending and 11PM. I used an interlocking technique using multiple shuttles so that the color can change back in forth in a single row. Thus the tapestry is a materialized record of my movements to and from for an entire college semester. Additionally, I picked up objects that caught my eye while I was out and about, and placed those objects back within the tapestry at their appropriate time stamp.

In this process I was thinking about how people define and describe places. How do materials and objects become necesarry tools for defining places? How do those materials and objects themselves change a place? Particularly I was interested in showing what it could look like if a place was defined purely on the subjective, mundane, every day perspective of a girl in a college town. What sorts of objects would she encounter, and what would those objects say about where or when she was, what would they say about how she saw that place? The objects all have their own backstories that are largely unknown to me, but nonetheless they happened across my path, and now their presence is unavoidable and impactful on my reality, even if I don't know where they have come from. How much of a place is defined by unknowns? How much of a culture is defined by imagination, and how much is by material? Anyways, if you fancy exploring my particular subjective every day, feel free to look below through the notes I took each day to record by activities. I tried not to correct things like spelling/grammar errors so as to maintain the realness of how I was when I wrote the note.

2-3 Aidan drives us to McFarland to fix Aidan’s phone and buy honey from Manna
3-5 Aidan drives us to hurricane creek and we walk to the secret beach
5:30 buy boba from boba mania
6 get home
6:30 go to Publix
7 come home
I left home around 10:15 and the air smells like frying oil, saw some blue birds, walked to campus, ten hoor hall, then urban cookhouse food truck, then garland hall
1:45ish came home
3:45ish I left home, walked to campus, Lloyd hall
5:30ish I was home
7:30ish I left home and went to trosts
10:10ish I got home
8:50ish I left home towards a misty campus, Lloyd hall
10:49ish I left Lloyd and headed across the quad toward Gorgas
10:53 I left Gorgas and headed towards home to make a sandwich, picked up a key on the street of campus drive across from Publix otw
11:07ish I got home
1:21ish I left home towards Clark Hall Woods Quad
6ish I get home
7:08ish I left home towards 15th street, Calvin’s house, then Home Depot, then Funmi and Noah’s apartment (red point) off McFarland, then Fuku ramen
11ish I got home, Aidan left around 11:45
12:15ish I left the house headed for woods quad, not a cloud in the sky, warm sunlight and a strong gusty wind that feels deep and powerful, I’m following the sun today, the winds feel like good omens for carrying Aidan away from Tuscaloosa and carrying something fresh into all our lives, then I head back towards Duncan to get my car to go buy needles and a threader, went to scattered threads for the first time in Northport, then Anders, then the Northport 5 and dime store, then Jeremiah’s garden off McFarland, then to the Robert E Witt student center
Came home around 6
Left for the trosts to get compost around 6:30
Can home around 7 and watched attack on titan, also had a massive kitchen failure involving moldy pasta sauce
Left the house around 8:47 headed towards Doster Hall with wool in hand, then Publix for birthday snacks
9:30ish I got home
1:20ish I left home towards mom and then forgot family gifts so headed back
1:46ish I got back
1:47ish I left again gifts in hand headed towards me, tiny little scattered clouds covered much of the blue blue sky to send me off, 20 59 towards bham then i65 to get to hobby lobby, took the things I need from hobby lobby and got back on the road towards Rogersville, grey house gallery, back to moms around 8:30ish
11:40ish head to memes, through the town of Anderson otw, Tennessee state line 12:02, minor hill, Phillips minor hill food mart for puffy taffy and big league chew green apple, sweet home Al 4:16, got to Dad and Daju’s a little after 6
11:11ish got back home in t-town
1:23 Left the house towards red point for Funmi curating meeting, then tienda latina el puerto Mexican market off mcfarland 3:52ish, then back to red point
4:30ish got home
Left the house 5:45ish headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
8ish got home
9:20ish left house to take out trash
9:21ish came back into the house
1:15ish I left the house, home depot, Chevron live bait and tackle
2:30ish I got home
2:45ish I left home headed for woods quad
5:40ish I got home
6ish I left home, urban cookhouse with Annabelle, then Walmart on Skyland
8ish got home
8:45ish left home for a river/campus walk with Ben and Eugene (picked up a vine segment)
10ish got back home
11:25ish left the house running late for a meeting at Lloyd hall
1:42ish I got home
1:50ish I left home towards Doster hall for weaving sesh
4:45ish I got home
8:45ish I left home headed towards Lloyd, I always walkthrough the gravel lotnext to Publix to get to campus
11ish I got home
2:50ish I left home headed towards woods quad
6ish got home
12:20ish I left the house headed for woods quad running late, then got my car and went to that little bookstore Harley’s and whatever, then monarch, then picked up Noah and went to Jeremiah’s farm
5:15ish got home
6:40ish I left home headed towards woods quad for guild welcome party
8ish I got home
12:04 left home headed towards the student center for clothing swap and textbook drop off (picked up some red trash otw), then Panda Express in the ferg, then Gorgas for an interview
2:15ish got home
4:25 left home headed for Eugene, then Home Depot, then Micheals
6ish got home
9:51 left the house headed to catch with Eugene and will, then alcove
11:45ish I got home
11:15ish left home headed towards river market, then uperk
1ish got home
4:30ish left for Publix, then myrtlewood, then red point, then myrtlewood, then red point, then myrtlewood
11:00ish got home
2:50 left home headed towards woods quad
5:50ish got home
12:00ish left home headed for supestore, then woods quad, then back towards home and found a real cool hunk of metal
1:30ish got home
2:00ish left home headed towards Doster hall
5:30ish got home
2:40ish left home headed towards woods quad
6ish got home
6:30ish left home headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job) where I got a ribbon from a customers birthday present
9:40ish I got home
2:40ish left home headed towards Lloyd
5:30ish I got home
11:43 I left home headed towards my therapy office in northport, then myrtlewood, then the shell on the strip
2:30ish got home
2:40ish left home headed to unc northport
4ish got home
5:20ish left home headed towards dinah, than Harrison, then sabans rooftop bar (lock of annabelles hair)
9:30 got back home
10:45 went outside into the courtyard to look at other apartments
10:55 went back in
11:25 left driving to farmers market
12ish got home
2:30ish left home headed towards lily
11:00ish made it home
left home 5:15ish headed for Publix
5:35ish got home
5:45ish left headed to Chuck’s (restuarant job) huge full moon, snow moon
8:30ish got home
12:30ish left home headed for umc Northport, then manna (got a ticket for not having insurance on the way), then Publix
2:00ish got home
2:50ish left home headed towards woods (late)
6ish made it home
8:30ish left for a walk with ben and Eugene
9:30ish got back home
9:30ish went for a walk to where the train track used to be, found a pipe
10ish got home
12:20ish I left headed for Woods, then taco truck, ate on the mound, then doster
5:00ish got home
5:15ish went to ethans (audobon manor) to do laundry, smoke a bit too much weed
8:15ish got home
2/8 left headed towards Lloyd, feeling angry and tired
then taco truck, then sat by a live oaktree for a while doing work, then Gorgas library, then woods
6ish got home
12:00ish left home towards woods, sat by the cat statue for a while listening to music (west coast) then Kai called and told me to listen to Tyler Childers triune god, then student center (previously Ferg") for crimson copies, then back towards home to drive to the police station to deal with a ticket I got for not having insurance on me, picked up a Darth maul crocks pin in front of the UA water tower (same place I found the red roll tide refuse) then overflow express wash, then Jeremiah’s garden
5:15ish got home
11:45ish left headed to Therapy
1:30ish got home, sat in the parking lot talking to kai for a while
5:30ish left headed to red point, then Lorrie Lane Studio
8ish went home to get quilt and pack
8:30ish left towards moms
11ish got to moms
9:15ish left moms headed towards meme, then small town gas station by nicks, then dollar generals
5:20ish back home, got really crossfaded and binged greys anatomy
10:30ish I walked around the courtyard for a few minutes
2:30ish I left the house for a walk cause I’m feeling low and overwhelmed, found a long thing piece of metal and an Amazon box with a note on it
3:10ish got home
10ish did a short walk around the outside of the apartment, less than 10 minutes
2:35ish left headed for woods, then publix
6:30ish got home
12:15ish left heading towards Gorgas library then woods, the taco truck
2ish got home
5:50 left headed towards chuck's (restuarant job)
11:20ish got home
7:50ish left home headed towards Davis eye clinic on Helen Keller Blvd
9ish got back home
5:50ish headed to Chuck’s (restuarant job)
10:15ish got home
5:50ish headed for Chuck’ (restuarant job)
9:45ish got home
9:40ish left home headed towards the cabin great papa was born in to meet up with meme and papa, picked daffodils then the cemetery where so many Phillips’s are
12:15ish got home and showed meme and papa my apartment
12:30ish we left headed towards Wrights for lunch, then we went our separate ways and I went to the river
3:00ish got back (on the phone with Henry💛)
3:40ish left home headed towards therapy, then publix
5:30ish got home
6:40ish left headed towards Annabelle then Fuku then target and myrtlewood
1:00ish got home
11ish left towards myrtlewood, then farmers market
11:45ish got home
12:15ish went to myrtlewood, then hooligans, then redpoint, then warner transportation museum, then home depot, then bobamania, then red point, then myrtlewood
5ish got home
Stayed home all day💕
5:50ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
9ish got home
1:50ish left home headed towards Doster, it feels so nice outside, the weather has been all over the place lately, then Lloyd
5:15ish made it home
4:48 left the house and my god the sky, dimly warm pink rays or beams of clouds pointing the direction I’m headed, the light is beautiful, it smells like childhood, grabbed a smashed beer can next to Thai basil on the way home
5:15ish got back
8:00ish left the house and the birds are loud, it's also the first time I've worn sandals and a t shirt in a while, Lloyd then ten hoor briefly to pick up a quilt form Dr. Giggie.
11:20ish I got home
2:30ish left home headed to Gorgas then woods, then Publix
6:30ish got home
9:30ish left the house headed towards red point, then Best Buy, then home depot, then warner transportation museum
12:15ish got home
12:20ish left headed towards woods
2:15ish got home
2:45ish left headed towards Jeremiah’s
5:15ish got home
12:10ish left home headed for Publix, it's chillier than I expected
12:20ish made it home
1:45ish left headed towards therapy
3:15ish made it home
4:00ish left headed towards red point, then Publix, then Warner transportation museum, then red point
9ish got home
12:30ish left to get lunch at bistro with Annabelle
2:00ish got home
2:50ish left headed to Chuck’s (restuarant job)
12:10ish got home
5:50ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
9:30ish got home
10:15ish went for a walk around the courtyard and apt to observe the sky,it’s weird today—both dark and cloudy and blue and sunny, very windy
2:45ish left home headed towards woods
6ish got back home
9:20ish left headed for Doster, it’s so sunny, I feel born anew soRta, then Gorgas, then woods, on the way home picked up a receipt a Jule and a bottle cap
2:15ish got home
8:45ish left home headed towards Lloyd, then sat on woods quad for a little while to do homework and picked up a red tensil ribbon, then Gorgas
2ish made it home
2:45ish left headed towards woods and blew on a dandelion wishing for my family, I took the stem with me
6:15ish got home
7:30ish left headed towards audobon manor
10ish got home
12:15 left headed towards woods
1:30ish got back home
4:20ish left headed towards sella granata and did not dress right for the cold weather, picked up a zene from Kats show then Kentuck, then Mr. Chen's (picked up soju and kept the bottle cap)
6:30ish got back home
1:50 left headed towards therapy
3:30ish got home
5:45ish left headed towards chucks (restuarant job)
11ish got home
11:30ish left headed towards the river market, then publix
12:15ish got home
2ish left walking Ben home towards myrtlewood
2:30ish got home
4:45ish left headed towards chucks (restuarant job), then sessions, then grey lady, then nocturnal
1ish got home
1:25 for a walk because today is beautiful, I learned a new word for the dawn of spring today, grabbed a piece of bamboo that floated to me on the river
3:15ish got home
5:45ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
9ish got home
2:45 left headed towards wood
5:55 got home
6:15ish left headed to Chuck’s (restuarant job), my shift got picked up tho
6:40ish got home, where I had no energy and sunk into a depression
8:25pm walked out to see the worm moon, prince walked with me, took a bamboo twig
9:50ish came home
8:45ish left headed to Lloyd, then sat on the quad to read about Winslow Homer’s painting about the military prisons, then Publix where I bought Amish county rolled butter
12:45ish got home
2:35ish left headed to woods, then Publix with Ben
6ish made it home
8ish left home headed to galettes
12:05 made it home
12:20ish left headed towards woods, then Doster
2:30ish got home
2:45ish left headed to Jeremiah’s garden
5:15ish got home
5:45ish left headed to Chuck’s (restuarant job)
6:45ish got home
11:45ish left headed to therapy
12:15ish got home
5:45ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
9:35ish got home
10ish left heading downtown, then gas station by myrtlewood, then audobon manor
2pmish Left Audobon manor headed home
Went to pet supplies plus and fresh market, kept my receipt, forgot to keep track of when tho
3ish scooped cat poop from the courtyard
3:15ish went back inside and gave myself a haircut, kept some of the hair
5:45ish left headed to chucks (restuarant job)
9:30ish got home
8ish left headed to Annabelle's and then got on the road to Apalachicola, along the way we stopped up at chick FIL a, then a circle k, Starbucks, Chevron
4ish got to Coombs Inn
5ish went by the pier, then to the owl cafe for dinner, then oyster city brewing (grabbed an oyster shell from the ground) then a marathon gas station, then coombs, then the graveyard (got some Spanish moss) then back to coombs then back to the graveyard then back to coombs
Left coombs headed to appalachicola chocolate and coffee company and then explored a bunch of different places (including the meadery) in Appalachicola before heading back to the inn
9:30ish left the inn headed to st. George's island, went to Bayside coffee co., walked by the lighthouse and then to the beach (took a shell), then to BJ's Pizza, then got on the road, stopped at a few gas stations and a stinky dollar generals, got food from chick fil a bit they messed up my order
5ish got home
5:30ish left headed to Publix
6ish got back home
11ish left headed towards the farmers market
11:40ish got back
6:50 left heading towards americas thrift
9ish stepped outside to get the sun on my eyes
12:25ish went out for a walk to get batteries
12:40ish got back
3:50ish left towards red point, then boba mania, then books-a-million
6:30ish got home
6:35ish left to go to Publix
6:55ish got home
2:50ish left headed to woods
6ish got home
12:20ish left headed to woods, then Gorgas, the Doster, on the way home I picked up a discarded whip it
2:30ish got home
2:45ish left towards therapy
4:15 got home
4:20ish left headed towards Doster, then Lloyd
5:30ish got home
5:45ish left towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
9ish got home
8:50ish left the house headed towards Lloyd, picked up a button tossed on the quad on the way to class, then Mediterranean sandwich co
11:30ish got home
2:30ish left headed towards campus post office, then Starbucks, then garland
6ish got back home
6:30ish left headed to the strip gas station for quarters then audobon manor
8:45ish got home
8:50ish headed back to audobon to retrieve phone
9ish got home
9:15ish left headed towards garland, then Gorgas, then woods quad, then garland
1:40ish made it home
2:45ish left headed towards Jeremiah's, then parked by the frats and walked to woods quad with Ben for art exhibitions, picked up bamboo on the walk home
6:15ish made it home, ended things as they’ve been with Nathaniel
10:15ish stepped outside to soak in the sun
10:20ish came back inside
11:45ish stepped outside to check on cats
11:48ish came back inside
12:45ish left headed towards Doster (picked up graduation glitter in front of the stadium), then headed towards the parking lot by the frats where my car is
3:45ish got home
5:45ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
10ish got home
11:20ish left headed towards myrtlewood, then Bryce lawn, then farmers market, then that estate sale at the house on the corner of 7th and whatever, then myrtlewood, then Freddie’s
4:30ish made it home
10:15ish left headed towards Lilys, then the shell on the corner in a serious storm
8:30ish made it home
2:20ish left headed towards Gorgas, then garland
6:20ish made it home
12:20ish left headed towards garland, then Gorgas. Then Doster
5:40 got home
5:50 left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
10ish got home
Lost day
11ish left headed towards Doster in my car, then the BHM airport, then hotel capstone
2ish got home
2:40 left towards campus then Jeremiah’s
5:30ish got back
5:45ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
10ish got home
7:50 left headed towards Gorgas
6:20ish got home
6:40ish left headed towards the house UA owns
8:15ish got home
8:30ish left to publix
8:45ish got home
11:10ish left headed towards myrtlewood, the river market, then DCAF
4ish got home
5:50ish left headed towards Chuck’s (restuarant job)
11ish got home and sat in my car for a while getting out some heartbreak tears
Stayed home all day
2:45ish left headed towards woods; depressed af on the walk home went searching for anything and found a child’s broken Disney princess jump rope
6:15ish got home
12:20ish left headed towards woods
1:30ish got home
1:40ish left headed towards myrtlewood, then red point, then Warner museum, then bobamania, then Warner museum, then red point, then myrtlewood, then Warner museum, then myrtlewood
4:10ish made it home